Sunday, January 24, 2016

2016 Fly Fishing Show in Marlborough MA

I like going to this annual show.  I like mingling with people with a similar interest, and it's nice to visit with a growing number of fly tiers whom I've not seen since last year's event. This is all made easy by the fact that I live some 20 minutes away.

As you can see from the images below, I was more "people" interested than I was "gear" interested. I think folks reading are likely to be more interested in gear.  I am sorry I don't have more gear pictures for you!

These predominantly "people pictures" might be more interesting to those who visit my photography website. On the other hand, fishingwithflies is a hobby website, so I get to do anything I want!  Seriously though, one of these years I'll go to the show and emphasize product and gear images.

I have posted a few images below.  All the images (about 75) are posted at

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