Sunday, January 18, 2015

2015 Fly Fishing Show

Yesterday I spent a delightful two hours at the annual Fly Fishing Show in Marlborough, MA.  I'm no longer particularly interested in the latest fly fishing gear, which wouldn't come as a surprise if you've read my "reflections" post earlier this month, here. However, I did enjoy meeting up with friends and talking with many of my fly tying acquaintances that were there to demonstrate their tying tricks and tips. The burgers and french fries at Longhorn Steakhouse weren't bad, either.

I did take my camera, and if you are a camera geek like I tend to be, then you might be interested in knowing that all images were taken with my new 70-200 mm-equivalent Panasonic zoom lens fitted to my Olympus EM-1 camera.  All were shot at F2.8 (wide open), aperture priority and auto ISO.

Since I was "people" oriented and not "gear" oriented at the event, you'll notice that most of these images are of people enjoying themselves.  Nevertheless, there are a few gear pictures.

You can view all 50 images on my photography Web site.  The images on the Web site are also larger, if you are viewing on a large and high resolution screen.

Below are reduced-resolution images of about 15 of the images:

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