Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ausable River Trip [Best "Big Print" Photo]

Part 9 of 11

Lake Everest on the Ausable River

While scouting out the flow downriver of the Wilmington Dam I was attracted to the view upriver from the Route 86 bridge next to where we parked.  

The dam has created a very slow moving and peaceful stretch of river called Lake Everest. It looks like it provides some relaxing fishing from a canoe.  And in fact there is a single fisherman in a blue canoe way in the distance. For us this was no more than a pretty view, because we had come to the Ausable to fish fast water for strong trout. 

I am looking forward to printing this really big!

If you like this image and want to learn more about it, I wrote a long "behind the scene" post featuring this image and some to the technical details on my photography blog here.

Additional Images around Wilmington Dam
and the Route 86 bridge.
Same Day. Same Time.

Admiring the view upriver from the bridge
Downstream from the dam there is much too much
water for wading.  We fished elsewhere that evening.

Next Post: A Few More Photos I Like

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