Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ausable River Trip [Awesome Final Breakfast]

Final Report: Part 11 of 11

Driving back to Massachusetts is a long drive from the Lake Placid area.  Something like 5 1/2 hours. But it is not so long that we couldn't stop for a nice breakfast.  Our stop at the Noon Mark Diner in Keene Valley, New York was completely arbitrary.  However, when we saw folks filing out with homemade pies and coffee buns, we knew we'd hit pay dirt.

[It will probably come to you as no surprise that my wife
recently bought me a book on food photography! See the final
four images below!!]

Those are blueberry pancakes sitting alongside the hash

We got to meet the woman who makes the homemade strawberry jelly

I don't plan to eat like this again ... well, at least until I go fishing with these guys again.  Oh, I hope it will be soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing beats A breakfast of brookies pan fried in bacon fat "Camp Have-a-Blast Style". I hope you gentlemen took your chloresterol pills!

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