Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ausable River Trip [Just Back]

This year's June fly fishing trip with friends was to New York's famed Ausable River.  I'm currently reviewing my pictures and working on a series of posts about this trip.  I know my friends who were on the trip will enjoy the pictures; but I am also hoping the pictures and text will be of general interest to others reading my blog.

Right now it looks like nine posts will follow this one. I expect (but don't promise) to "publish" one post per day starting tomorrow.  I hope I can write and pick pictures fast enough to keep up with that pace!

Just to get things started, below are a bunch of images selected randomly.
A blue sky was rare

It just rained one day.  But there was plenty of water and
it was usually overcast. This view is from the Trout Hunter.

Late lunch/early dinner.

This fly patch shows signs of lots of experimenting.

Quite a find outside the house one morning.

This is what happens when you fish morning, afternoon and evening!

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