Sunday, July 15, 2012

We're having a heat wave here

I know I shouldn't complain.  We've had a couple of heat waves here in New England, but nothing like the mega-heat some of my fishing friends from other parts of the country are reporting to me. 

Our local ponds seem to have reasonable water levels, but my favorite river is running at about 1/3 of normal flow.  We need rain.  Even our lawn is getting brown, which rarely happens because we abut wetlands.  Again, compared with many parts of this scorched country, I have nothing to complain about.

For us in New England, a heat wave is achieved at the end of the third day of temps of 90F and above.  As far as I recall, we haven't hit 100 yet.  Well, maybe they did in Boston one day.  I think we'll be into our third heat wave next week, but the temperatures are projected to be only very slightly over 90F.  We do get oppressive humidity, however.

For me, today was a hot day.  The temperature was around 92F when I finished three hours of drifting and kicking on a nearby pond.  There was no wind and this was the killer.  I was sweating buckets.

Anyway, all of the above thinking helped me rationalize my choice of a post-fishing treat.  What flavor?  CCCD (chocolate chip cookie dough) of course!

Kimball Farm is known for its large portions.  This "regular" size serving was even bigger
than it looks.  I usually buy the "kiddie" size, but forgot. 
By the time I reached the level of the cup, I am sure
I'd eaten a pint of ice cream.  (That's probably not a good thing.)


RiverSnob said...

Its only not a good thing if you continued on to the bottom of the cup! Which is you did still isnt a good thing.. but it was the RIGHT thing.

How was the fishing? Hit a creek here in the Midwest that is trickles peeking out around rocks at this point. 92 today here as well. No rain, all sun.

Peter F. said...

Well, with the options you've given me, I guess I have to confess that I did the "right" thing!! Fishing was excellent. I've been getting down a bit deeper by adding some 5x tippet to my standard 3x. That seems to have found them... all nearer the bottom. On the other hand, there're plenty of bass jumping out of the thick lily pad cover to attempt capturing dragonflies....

Peter F. said...

Speaking of dragonflies, I know the bass occasionally score... I saw the front half of one buzzing in circles (I guess it lost its rudder)in the surface of the water.

trublubug said...

Sounds like things are bad all over when it comes to heat waves. Philadelphia hasn't heated to over 100 but with the heat index (read humidity) we've hit 105 twice and 108 once.

Agree with RiverSnob, it was the right thing!!!

also agree with bass and occasional score, helped an injured (assumed it was hit by a fish) unto a bank side weed using rod tip. Saw the thing buzzing frantically to get off the water....

the temps here have been in the 90's almost constantly for last several weeks, streams are very low but the low water also concentrates the fish.......

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