Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fishing with friends

I fish alone frequently and always enjoy it.  But there is something special about fishing with friends.  It seems that a number of times on this blog I have reported about my power trips to northern New Hampshire to fish for the day with a car full of friends.  It's always a great time, though I am really exhausted the next day.

These are day trips.  I get picked up here in Massachusetts by friends who actually live further away from our destination than I do.  After a 7 a.m. pick up time, we stop for a big breakfast in one of several spots on the way north.  We end up hitting the water in the Mt. Washington Valley area about 11 or 11:30 and typically fish one or two spots on up to four rivers/streams before heading home about 9 p.m after fishing the evening hatch (when available!)  I'm usually back home by 11:30 p.m. and my friends have another hour or more before they get home.

Well, Tuesday (July 3) was my first such trip this year.  I'm usually good for 3 or 4 of these sorties per season.  Below is a series of pictures taken Tuesday approximately in chronological order.  My friend Jim took several of them and I posted them here because they are the only pictures with me in them.... Not that that is necessarily a good thing!

Fly Used:  All the fish shown were caught with a size 14 pink-post herl-body parachute.  I tie some with a tail of pheasant tippet fibers and some with no tail at all.  The pink post is tied pretty thick, so I can see it better.

Breakfast at Poor Boys, exit 4 or 5 on Rt. 93 in New Hampshire

Taken by Jim Eno

Taken by Jim Eno

Taken by Jim Eno

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